Welcome to next-level domain name management
Take Your Business Online With
Premium Hosting

- US$ 7.99 /mo when you renew
- Single Domain
- One Click Installs
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- SSL Certificate
Business Hosting

- US$ 8.99 /mo when you renew
- 4 GB Memory
- 2 Core CPU
- 0.5 TB Disk (RAID-1)
- 10 TB Bandwidth
VPS Cloud Hosting

- US$ 19.99 /mo when you renew
- 2 GB RAM
- 2 Cores CPU
- 120 GB Disk Space
- 1.5 TB Bandwidth
Why Choose Nameregi!

Advanced Hosting Features

Maximum Performance

WordPress Pre-Installed

Free Let’s Encrypt SSL

Advanced Management
We've helped amazing companies to grow up faster!

Easy Lets Encrypt SSL!
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Real-Time Log Forwarding
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Real-Time Monitoring
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24/7/365 Live Support
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Advanced Security Features
Get unlimited SSL security certificates and Money back guarantee.
Protect your website from DDoS attacks with Cloudflaret & 24/7 Real-Time Expert Support
Ensure your website is up and running with our 99.9% uptime guarantee.
WordPress Site Needs for Success
- Out-Of-The Box Optimized WordPress
- WooCommerce for WordPress
- Need for Speed

Happy Client’s Reivews
Hostiko has great website templates and you can connect your site to your social media account.

Michel Steward
Good service and easily available assistance. I use it regularly for my clients and recommend everyone to go for it.

Rizwan Joseph
Hostiko has great website templates and you can connect your site to your social media account.

Michel Steward
Our Clients

Build Your Website with Hostiko

Useful Links
Contact us
- 121 King Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia
- +61 3 8376 6284
- info@hostiko.com